It is an odd feeling of excitment and accomplishment all bundled up with a dose of anxiety about if this is really the right thing. Okay so as for now anyway the right thing is being dicated by ridiculous day care costs but the situation may be changing this summer and do I want to return to work. Right now no way my list at home keep growing and growing. Currenlty in no particular order I need to 1. make banana bread 2. go to a funeral with two kids in tow 3. do some sort of excersize 4. attach myself to a milking device every two hours (oh yeah that was probably tmi) 5. laundry (yeah that is pilling up) 6. dishes 7. Thank you cards 8. begin packing our house. We are moving fyi. and the list continues. Lets be honest some things actually do have an order for instance Thank you cards are higher on the list then lets say excersize and some things have have times when I have to get them done ie funeral and the tmi thing. So just curious when this sleep when the baby sleeps plays into kid #2 and so on. Did I mention these were other random thoughts as well... The whole point to this post is to let people know that I have decided for a dose of sanity and lets be honest it is fun I am going to begin blogging again. Currently Abi is in Pre-school (and is there now :)). She has been doing a WONDERFUL job with Zander we have all been really impressed. She doesn't like to see him cry and tells us often to "you go get him" if he is. Oh yeah I had a baby :D okay most people reading this know that but some of you might not but then again those people probably don't read my blog anymore since I haven't posted since I dunno a year ago. All I can say is I don't know how anyone keeps up with these things and works full time. Oh yeah back to baby. His name is Aleczander Joseph. He was born on March 28th at 2:35pm. Weighed in at 8lbs 14oz (almost 2lbs heavier then his sister OUCH!) and 20 inches long. Pictures are all on my main computer so you will have to wait for those :D He is doing very well we have had some feeding issues (hence the TMI comment above) but overall life is good! Well speaking of that to do list random rantings on my blog weren't on the list so I better run.