Friday, March 21, 2008

Abigail is ONE

We had a wonderful celebration. Thank you Kris, Tawny, and Mom for all your hard work and helping me set up and prep everything. Also, thank you all who came to celebrate with us. We played games ate cake and she did a great job digging into her cake. However, I must go so I will post more pictures and write more of a story later.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Abigail!! She is ONE already????? Where has the time flown??? It looks like she had a very special birthday. You are a very good mama! Bless you!

Audrey said...

wow! hey ruth - i didn't know you were a blogger too! my gosh, has it been a whole year since you had your baby? i remember tawny saying you'd had a baby, and i was so excited for how time flies!

thanks for the well wishes - our 'family' blog is the-rogers-neighborhood on blogspot. check us out! my hubby keeps that one up better, with pics and stuff. the LJ is my personal journal. God bless you and your family! say hi to tawny for me next time you see her, i will sure miss her! she cried when i picked ezra up on his last day - she's so sweet!
