We started the weekend Friday afternoon and headed to Yakima, WA apparently also known as the Palm Springs of WA. Ha Ha… Amanda my wonderful sis in law got us tickets to go see Josh Turner and Carrie Underwood in Concert. We had so much fun. However, the security was a bunch of jerks. I was so close to getting a really really good up close shot of Carrie on stage I was zoomed in the camera was focused and about to click to take the photo when some security guard grabbed my arm and told me I had move. GRRR! I asked if I could have two seconds to take the photo and he said no… at least four other people were standing around taking pictures. Here is some of the shots I did get… We hung around after the concert and got some pictures with the band but Carrie Underwood didn't come out of her bus.
Then we were off to White Salmon for the Powers Family Reunion @ Aunt Nancy and Uncle Lyle’s cabin. They set us up in their 5th wheel it was VERY nice. Thank you guys again. Abigail got to meet her Great Grandma W for the first time.
In great Abigail style she immediately wanted Grandma to take her from us.

Just before sundown I went for a run Saturday night and found myself lost. The road I took slowly started to narrow until it was just a walking path. However, I finally found a property that thankfully led back to the road I knew and I made it back to the cabin just before all the sunlight was gone. They sent Josh out to look for me b/c stupid me didn’t bring my phone so while I was lost I couldn’t call anyone for help! I did pick up a rock as my protection (as if that would stop much) but hey David killed Goliath with a stone so I thought I could have a chance. That night we listened to the styles of Lyle and a neighbor breaking it down for us.

Sunday brother Steve organized for some members of the fam to go white water rafting with All Adventure Rafting (
http://www.alladventurerafting.com/) guides. Here are a few pictures that they took for us:

We had to split into 3 groups. The top left picture is all of us getting trained to work the river. The picture below that is a group picture of all of the family members that went down river. Brother Lonnie and his son Bailey went with a completely different crew and the lower left corner of the collage is them. Look closely at the picture in bottom middle you can just barley see the tip of Bailey’s helmet he got completely covered! Upper right is brother Steve with his son’s Logan and Dylan and some of their friends. The lower right corner is Josh, Dad, Edie, myself, Kelsey, and Nick. It was completely amazing experience. THANKS STEVE! Dad in law affectionately got the name chrome dome (notice the helmet) along the ride. We were all tired by the time we got done we were all hungry and wondering when we were going to eat. Then Edie came to our rescue and let us know that she had brought snacks (mom, of three boys she knew). The next morning we came back home. Good memories to add to the scrapbook that will get finished??
1 comment:
I'm so jealous!!! You saw Carrie Underwood????? Love her! Your weekend sounded fantastic!!
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