So yesterday afternoon we decided we would make kabobs on the Bar-B-Que. Josh also had to mow the lawn so he went out started the BBQ to warm it up and finished with his mowing. When he was almost done I went outside to tell him I was going to put the kabobs on the deck for him to grab and cook up. To my surprise I saw LARGE flames coming up from behind the BBQ, being shoeless I couldn't just run down there so I yelled for my husband. Specifically yelled "JOSH FIRE" over the lawn mower it took him a few moments but I finally was able to get his attention. Between the two of us we were able to put out the fire but before we could a couple of off duty fire fighters saw the smoke and had called it in as they headed to the house. Here are some photos of our adventure. Abi got to tour the truck that showed up. They showed her the whole truck she has a great time and they even gave her a sticker and a hat and called her a Princess Fighfighter. I only have pics of after and of the truck from afar I didn't have enough guts to bring the camera out to the truck itself.

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