Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow Day

Pullman wide has shut its doors declaring it a snow day :). We have so much snow on the ground WSU closed. I am in a little shock over this one. The last time WSU closed was in 1997 when a flood threatened homes and business in the nearby city center. They closed to allow students the opportunity to go help in sand baging efforts (I believe attempted to confirm but will have to do more research). We are expecting more snow to fall tonight and possibably throughout the weekend. The posted slide shows (BOTTOM OF PAGE) are pics taken today and some family pics taken a few days ago.

In other news: Our neighbors welcomed a new baby into their household today. Not sure of what they named their new little one. But as soon as I have permission I will post a name and a pic.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The county declared a snow day!

Josh got home a little after one. He has been playing games ever since. Mom is still "stuck here" (to quote her). Hopefully, it will let up a little so she can get back to her life. She has a lot to do this next month.

Today reminds me of childhood long gone. You know the days were you would bundle up and play out side until your fingers and toes were so numb you could poor hot water over them and hardly feel a thing. The days were all would gather to slide down any size hill on just about anything that would help you slide (garbage bags work well fyi). Oh the days of childhood. Well growing up hot cocoa was a stable in my house so decided to make a digital scrapbook page honoring this tradition. I am just learning so be kind.

Monday, January 28, 2008

We have come out of hiding!

I say that jokingly of course. Since Abigail's illness we have stayed pretty close to our house. This is partly due to worry over her becoming sick again and the other is just the fact that it is easy to be a hermit. However, we are missing people and the things we used to do. We, unfortunately, missed church this morning (confession: I was sleeping and Josh did not want to wake me). However, we did make it to youth group and it became apparent that we need to return to our lives again. So we will begin to take steps in that direction.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Do you ever have those days...

where your head is pounding and you just want to close your eyes and crawl into bed. Well today is that day. It has been quite here with snow falling (expecting 7-10 inches this weekend). Our plan was to go to Yakima for Cousin Corbin's B-day (it was the 23rd-- party was today) but plans fell through for a number of reasons least of all was the weather. So far we have spent the day in PJ's attempting to lounge around. Abigail is so good at entertaining herself it can be addicting just to let her do her thing. Her new favorite toy is a stuffed bunny it has been near her side since she got it. Well today's msg is going to be short primarily b/c nothing has happened and well the whole pounding head thing.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Another day another dollar

Spent that is. Michael's was having a sale on their embellishments. I couldn't get much but I bought a few more brads and some train stickers I have been wanting for a LO. I will post a pic when I make the page :). Abigail and I met Josh in Colfax for lunch. He introduced to the Imperial (Chinese). It was pretty good and nice size portions. I would say worth another visit. Then bug and I loaded up and headed to Moscow for a couple hours of walking around and a little shopping. It was nice to get out of the house for awhile. Sometimes I begin to feel like a caged mouse. Yes, I have things to do but it would be nice to be free from constrants. Josh has had the Subaru for the last couple of weeks to get to and from work and although we have another car it does not do snow well. The unfortunate thing about getting out is that we sometimes miss nap times (such as today). Although Abigail has been moving into a one nap a day schedule occasionally she still needs two. Today was a two nap day and she only got one. She is suprisingly in a good mood but she is obviously tired. So with that I sign off to help keep her happy between now, dinner and then promptly bed.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I have given in...

To the craze that is blogging. I was sitting here thinking, "how can I let family and friends know about things going on w/o having to call them all" and it occured to me... blogging. So this is the first post of many (I hope-- unless I get bored which is common for me). Today has been a slow day. Abigail had to get her blood drawn again it is an every two week ritual that is sadistic at best. It does help us to keep her safe and healthy though. So far all of her blood work has been good. We have discovered that she has two tiny baby teeth just breaking the surface. We are excited about this new development, however I am not so sure Abigail is. Well the sleeping beauty has woken so I must go get her.